“An Associate Director scheme like this is an opportunity to equip Deaf directors with everything they need to enter a rehearsal room and say ’I know what the f*@k I’m talking about’” - Deaf Consultee, 2020


Click play to watch in BSL. Video by David Ellington.

Click below to watch the Information Session about the role - there are captions available by pressing the ‘CC’ button'.

Ad Infinitum is thrilled to launch Changing Direction, a new programme for a talented theatre director who wants to take their career to the next level. This Associate Director position is for a Deaf artist from the Sign Language community to work with Ad Infinitum to design and take on a role that is tailored to them.

The Changing Direction Associate Director role has been co-designed in consultation with and in collaboration with Deaf and hearing artists and leaders in the theatre sector. Changing Direction is a bespoke journey with the Associate Director to develop their practice, experience and leadership skills. 

Changing Direction aims to inspire, and be part of, a sector-wide effort to address the barriers and lack of opportunities for Deaf talent - specifically for directors who are Deaf, part of the Sign Language community, and who have historically been underserved and underrepresented.

'“I believe the cycle can be broken. We are planting seeds for change and growth” - Deaf Consultee, 2020

A Note on Language: 

We recognise that language in the area of identity is contested and evolving. There is no strong consensus on acceptable language yet. Understanding this we have chosen to use the terms ‘Deaf’ and ‘Sign Language Users/Community’ but respect that there are a range of terms in use that others will prefer.


Who are we looking for?

We’re looking for an early to mid-career director/theatre maker who is: 

  • Deaf and part of the Deaf Arts Sign Language community

  • Passionate about theatre-making

  • Curious to explore new ways of making and devising theatre

  • A natural collaborator who thrives on shared exploration

  • Has a strong desire to develop their practice, experience and leadership skills

  • Keen to collaborate with an organisation working across the Deaf and hearing worlds of the theatre sector

  • Eager to exchange ideas, experiences and different perspectives

  • Committed and active in their approach to equality, diversity and inclusion and creating safe spaces

  • Able to work independently with curiosity and openness

  • Inspired by this role and has exciting ideas about how to tailor it to their needs, dreams and aspirations.

What we can offer:

It’s up to you how you use your time, here are some of the things you could do…

  • Plan and lead a Research and Development (R&D) process with an actor(s) exploring the Associate Director’s theatre idea/s

  • Share your R&D work followed by an exploration of next stages 

  • Shadow Ad Infinitum’s co-artistic directors and/or a director of the Associate’s choice, where possible

  • Develop leadership skills in the rehearsal room with creative teams, and with funders looking at how to pitch your work to venues and stakeholders

  • Develop workshop facilitation skills through training and practice

  • Take part in training in all things connected to running a company – navigating HMRC/Tax, administration, funding including access support, producing, boards and governance, networking, and learning about evaluation

  • Make connections with drama schools to discuss directing / co-directing / assistant directing opportunities with undergraduate students

  • Explore the potential of a creative residency including workshops to explore new practices, methodologies and pedagogies, to inform your own practice alongside other artists

  • Work with a mentor.

Interested? Here’s everything else you need to know


35 days spread across July 2024 to March 2025. 

We understand that this role will need to fit alongside your other commitments, and we are happy to be flexible.

The structuring of your 35 days will be discussed in interviews and when you start the role. 


We will pay a daily rate of £220, the total fee is £7,700. The Associate Director will be contracted by Ad Infinitum and paid as a freelancer and is therefore responsible for all associated taxes due to HMRC.

In addition to your fee, this opportunity includes some money which the Associate Director can use to fund their ideas, (for example, R&D and artistic exploration) and for travel and accommodation.


We will work with you to make sure we have the appropriate access provision in place. If you have an access rider please share it with us when you apply. 

You are not required to have an access rider but if you want to create one, here are some tips, templates and ideas that can help. Click the links below to open these resources.

We Are Unlimited Access Rider

Shape Arts Access Docs for Artists Resource

Information session

We are holding an informal information session about the role on Monday 3 June at 10:30am - 11:30am on Zoom. This is an opportunity to find out what it’s like to work with Ad Infinitum, to meet some of the team including Co-Artistic Director George Mann and long-term Ad Infinitum collaborator David Ellington, and ask any questions you have about the role, what it’s like to work with Ad Infinitum and the application process. We will provide BSL interpreters and live captions.

How to apply

We want you to think about what creative ideas you want to explore if you are appointed Associate Director, and what else you would like us to be able to offer.

To apply, please send your CV and answer the following question:

  • If you were Ad Infinitum’s Associate Director, how would you use your time?

You can answer by either recording a Sign Language video in British Sign Language or writing your answer in an email or on a document. Please send your video or written answer to with the subject heading ‘Application for Associate Director’. Please make sure that the video is no longer than 5 minutes and that we can access it - you might want to share a link with us rather than attaching the video to the email, for example using Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer, YouTube or Vimeo.

If you have any questions about the application process including technical problems please contact our Producer Mia Lake at and we will do our best to help you. 

Interview process

  • Deadline for applications: Thursday 13 June at 9am

  • Stage One - Informal chats online: Friday 28 June

A short informal meeting (approx. 30 mins) so we can get to know each other a little better. It’s also a chance for you to ask any questions you might have, and tell us a bit about yourself and your background. 

  • Stage Two - Interviews in-person, in Bristol: Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 July 

We’ll send you the questions at least 3 days beforehand so you can prepare, and then meet you for an interview with a panel (approx. 45-60 mins). 

  • We’ll let you know if you’re successful by: Thursday 18 July

All eligible applicants will be invited to both stages of the interview process, we will provide BSL interpreters and any other access provisions as requested in your application. There will be Deaf and hearing creatives present in all meetings/interviews, including Jenny Sealey, Jonny Cotsen, and DL Williams (Ad Infinitum Trustee). 

We can cover travel expenses to the interviews, please let us know when you apply if this is something you require. 

About our work on Changing Direction 

Ad Infinitum has been working with Deaf artists and leaders since 2012, collaborating on multiple theatre productions, working on commissions and developing our organisation to improve accessibility, representation and Deaf Awareness.

For years, Deaf colleagues have shared their frustration with us in trying to make a career as a theatre director in the mainstream hearing world, especially as Sign Language users. In 2020, we decided to do something about it. We held a series of in-depth paid consultations and co-design sessions with multiple Deaf artists from 2020-2024, imagining a new programme for an aspiring director.

Click the button below to watch (in BSL) or read (in English) the report we created detailing the consultations we held, what Deaf artists told us, and the conclusions we reached.

About Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum is a diverse-led company based in Bristol dedicated to making accessible, inclusive and captivating theatre, led by Co-Artistic Directors George Mann and Nir Paldi. 

Since founding in 2007, we have dedicated our artistic platform, as a multi-award winning, nationally-reaching devising theatre company, to championing marginalised voices in theatre and reaching underserved audiences. In 2023, we became an Arts Council NPO.

Core team:

Co-Founders/Artistic Directors - Nir Paldi and George Mann 

Executive Director - Polly Davis

General Manager - Emma Macnair 

Producer - Mia Lake


Ad Infinitum’s Board of Trustees, chaired by Lauren Clancy, former Executive Director of Bush Theatre and current Interim Chief Executive of Oldham Coliseum,  represent a group of local, national and international experts from across the cultural, political activism, corporate & charity sectors. They bring a broad range of perspectives and lived experience including LGBT+, low socio-economic background, Deaf and ethnic minority representation to the organisation.