Associate Director Consultation — Ad Infinitum



Ad Infinitum (AI) has been working with Deaf artists and leaders from the performance Sign Language community since 2012, collaborating on multiple theatre productions, working on commissions and developing our organisation to improve accessibility and Deaf Awareness. In March-May 2021 we held paid consultation sessions asking five UK-based acclaimed and celebrated Deaf artists and directors to respond to a brief exploring the idea of creating an Associate Director position at Ad Infinitum for a Deaf director.

The consultation process highlighted the lack of opportunity for Sign Language using Directors who are Deaf in a hearing-dominated theatre sector - but also in the arts more broadly. Thanks to the generosity of the five artists we consulted, we've been able to compile a report offering a much deeper insight into the barriers that stand in the way - but it also sheds light on how we could work together to start tearing down barriers and co-create better opportunities for directors (as well as artists and creatives) who are Sign Language Users and/or Deaf working in the sector. 

As one consultee said: “I believe the cycle can be broken. We are planting seeds for change and growth”.

You can watch the report in British Sign Language (BSL), or read it in English: