In 2024-25 we offered two free places for freelancers from underrepresented backgrounds to join a Carbon Literacy Training course, delivered by an accredited organisation with a focus on the cultural sector. Subject to funding we increase the number of places we are able to offer on an annual basis.

The climate emergency is inextricably linked to economic and racial inequality, with poorer people and people of the Global Majority living overwhelmingly in areas most affected by climate change.

Click play to watch in BSL. Video by David Ellington.

Carbon Literacy Training is a certified training programme which gives participants an awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities, and provides individuals and organisations with the skills, knowledge, confidence and motivation to reduce their emissions. As part of our Climate Action Plan for 2024-25, we committed to making this training accessible to more freelancers who can use Carbon Literacy learning and skills in their own practice. 

We will be sharing further information through our newsletter about future opportunities, please sign-up using the button below.

Keep an eye on our website, we’ll soon publish a new webpage where you can read or watch in BSL more about the disproportionate effects of the climate emergency in our Environmental Policy, about our responsibility as a leading arts organisation, and what we’re doing to address this issue.