care by Kundai Munetsi

LISTEN TO THE audio tracks here



Kundai has directed, scored, choreographed and animated an experimental audio-visual journey narrating the challenges of being a young carer.

This piece fuses together multiple mediums into a powerful short film exploring the difficulties one experiences internally and externally when caring. The soundtrack with its vocal narration can be a tool for anyone facing the same issues, and the abstract graphics and the powerful movement and choreography evoke emotions difficult to express in words.

The piece reflects the artist’s mental journey through caring for their mother for 5 years in isolation, who passed from HIV in 2018.

“I wanted to tell a story but also create a relatable tool to support others who are either young carers or people who have had to engage with care. It’s also a piece for those who haven’t cared so they know how to engage with someone that has. It lays bare my experience and emotions by fusing together my skills in sound design, animation, dance and art direction. The piece is emotional and tells the hardest story of my life.”
- Kundai Munetsi



Film contains references to suicidal thoughts, death and grief.


kundai munetsi

Zimbabwe-born London-based artist Kundai lives and creates art in the key of exuberance. From their fashion design to their unabashed exploration of self via club-adjacent outsider pop, Kundai’s celebratory approach to life––inclusive of vulnerability and uncertainty––takes shape in their artistic practice.  

The sum of varied life experiences and self-questioning that come for all human beings, but queer immigrants in particular, you can see Kundai’s artist practice polishing the kernel of who they are and who they are constantly becoming.

Recently commissioned by the Camden Art Centre for a Cultural Audio Visual piece/performance, Kundai is re-defining their position as an artist as one to inform and document elements of culture and pressing social health and mental health issues otherwise not brought to light. 

Through the medium of sound design, video installations and performance Kundai uses their art as a political platform tackling issues such as the root of Zimbabwean culture, immigrants, care, family and even death itself.



Film soundtrack composed by Kundai Munetsi
Narration, script and animation by Kundai Munetsi
Vocals and instrumentation by Kundai Munetsi

Commissioned by Ad Infinitum and Culture Weston.