The world is currently defined as being in a state of climate emergency by the UK government and by countries and local authorities around the world. Due to human actions, global temperatures have increased by 1.1℃ since pre-industrial levels (1850 - 1900), and are likely to reach or exceed 1.5℃ by 2040 unless climate change-causing greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced.

We are already seeing the effects of climate change in nearly every region in the world, and as individuals and as organisations, we will be affected by this in many ways. Climate change disproportionately affects nations with the least historic responsibility for carbon emissions; the poorest 50% of the world’s population are responsible for just 10% of carbon emissions since pre-industrial times, but overwhelmingly live in places most likely to be affected by increasing global temperatures. Climate change also disproportionately affects Global Majority communities in the UK; Global Majority peoples are more likely to experience economic and social deprivation, and are therefore more likely to work in the lowest paid, highest polluting jobs, and live in the poorest and most polluted neighbourhoods. 

The most impactful thing that we can do as a society to address the climate emergency is to reach zero carbon, meaning we eliminate carbon emissions completely.


Ad Infinitum is part of the UK touring theatre industry. As a sector, touring theatre produces carbon emissions in the following ways:

  • Transport of goods & people around the UK and internationally

  • Production of materials for set, costume & design

  • Hire and transport of production equipment

  • Use of buildings & power supplies for rehearsals, performances and meetings

  • Audience travel to shows

We can contribute to positive change in our sector in a number of ways. Firstly, we can work to reduce our organisation’s carbon impact. Action is required from all sectors if we are to globally reduce carbon emissions and reach local net zero targets.

The cultural sector is also uniquely positioned to address the climate emergency in a creative way. As theatre makers and creatives, we can take climate action by engaging audiences with complex issues, provoking thought and galvanising action.

As an organisation, social justice is a core value which runs through our work. The climate emergency is inextricably linked to economic and racial inequality, with poorer people and people of the Global Majority living overwhelmingly in areas most affected by climate change. Historically, colonialism has also contributed to climate change through the exploitation of natural resources, thereby linking climate change to the colonial exploitation of people in poorer and Global Majority nations. As members of a first world nation with a colonial past, we have a responsibility to shoulder more of the climate emergency burden than members of poorer and historically colonised nations.

We uphold values of transparency and accountability, which we will meet by openly addressing our carbon impact; and of collaboration and connection, which we will meet by working with other organisations to address the carbon impact of the sector as a whole.

As an organisation with a national and international profile, we also have a responsibility to lead by example and to use our influence to positively impact sector-wide conversations. As a National Portfolio Organisation we are committed to following Arts Council England’s Environmental Responsibility Investment Principle.

Photo by Mihaela Bodlovic (Last Rites at Manipulate Festival, 2024), Video and Projection Design Chris Harrisson.