jack drewry

composer and sound designer

For Ad Infinitum: If You Fall

Jack is a composer, sound designer and theatre maker based in Bristol. He focuses on devised and collaborative work using music and sound to weave together theatrical stories. He’s artistic director of Tremolo Theatre, musical director of Closer Each Day: The Improvised Soap Opera and an associate artist of The Wardrobe Ensemble and The Wardrobe Theatre. 

Composing credits include: Oz, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Little Mermaid (Pins and Needles), Drac and Jill (Wardrobe Theatre), Same Storm Same Sky (Many Minds), As You Like It, Caucasian Chalk Circle (BOVTS), Vet Detective, The Darts (Bad vs Evil), The Star Seekers, The Time Seekers,The Deep Sea Seekers and The Seekers Podcast (The Wardrobe Ensemble).

Sound design credits: The Unicorn (Nina Productions), MDH: Puppets Do A Movie (Wardrobe Theatre), Beautiful Thing (Tobacco Factory Theatres), The Place At The Bridge (Shakespeare at The Tobacco Factory), WINNERS (The Wardrobe Ensemble), Undersong (Verity Standen), Robinson: The Other Island (Give It A Name). 

This year Jack will be composing for Falkland Sound by Brad Birch in the summer season at the RSC’s Swan Theatre. If You Fall is Jack’s first production with Ad Infinitum.
