Nir Paldi is co-artistic director of Ad Infinitum.

A writer, director, performer and facilitator, Nir’s training includes the two-year professional course at École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq.

Nir teamed up with George Mann to become co-artistic director of Ad Infinitum in 2009. He directed and co-adapted the company’s multi-award-winning Odyssey. Odyssey won the Stage Award and The Small Scene Theatre Festival Audience Award in Croatia. Nine years after it premiered, Odysseycontinues to tour the world.

Nir co-wrote and directed The Big Smoke, a critically acclaimed multi-award-winning piece that won an Argos Angel Award at the Brighton Festival 2011, Nir’s second Award for Best International Show at the United Solo Festival in New York City, USA, and was nominated for both a Canadian Dora Award and a Manchester Theatre Award.

Nir wrote, directed and performed in Ballad of the Burning Star, another critically acclaimed multi-award-winning sell out. Ballad won Nir his second Stage Award, this time for Best Ensemble and an Off West End Award for its London run at Battersea Arts Centre; the production has toured extensively in the UK, in Norway, and in Toronto, Canada.

Nir directed and wrote, Bucket List, which premiered at the 2016 Edinburgh Festival to critical acclaim and won the Spirit of the Fringe Award and an Off West End Award for its run at Battersea Arts Centre.

As a freelance director working internationally, Nir co-wrote and directed Juana in a Million, which won him a Fringe First Award at the 2012 Edinburgh Festival and a United Solo Festival Award in New York. Juana in a Million continues to play in Mexico City and has just received seven nominations for the Metropolitan Theatre Award including best show and best director.